Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

17th HMPI Musywil and Gathering

Long time no post, we had a trouble to sign in blog. Sorry.
Here we are with the latest activity of Student  Executive Council Tourism Academy Muhammadiyah Jember.
We were being the part of 17th HMPI Musywil and Gathering.

The 17th HMPI Musywil and Gathering.was held in Ambulu, Jember, 12nd January 2017 - 15th January 2017. And it went so well, The 17th HMPI Musywil and Gathering could be done successfully. Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, 12nd January 2017

That's several committee of the 17th HMPI Musywil and Gathering. That was the first night in Ambulu Hotel, we were waiting for all participants to join it.

    *** Special guest from malang

Friday, 13rd January 2017

On Friday, we have "Musyawarah Wilayah HMPI DPW IV Jawa Timur". and here we have a special performance from our neighbor, Bondowoso.

*** Kentrung Performance from Bondowoso