Kamis, 24 November 2016

Welcome to Our First Fresh Blog

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Hello everyone. We're back after long time no post in our blog. So here we are, The Executive Council of Student Tourism Academy Muhammadiyah Jember. We are the internal organization in Tourism Academy Muhammadiyah Jember, and our duty is managing the organization activities for students. 

And now, I will Introduce you to our beloved governor, Natalia Murdani.

Name : Natalia Murdani
Place, date of birth : Kupang, December 18th 1995
 Semester : 3rd Semester (2016)

Name : Risma Eris Sandra
Place, date of birth : Banyuwangi, March 22nd 1997
Semester : 3rd Semester (2016)

Name : Ike Sri Mahtumah
Place, date of birth : Jember, October 18th 1996
Semester : 3rd Semester (2016)

In our ECS (Executive Council of Student) we have 4 division.

Interest and Talent Division
- Name : Winda Yuli Nurul Afifah
- Place, date of birth : Jember, July 2nd 1997
- Semester : 3rd Semester (2016)

- Job Program
  1. Leadership Training and Outbond
  2. Vacation (Kunjungan Wisata)
  3. English Club (Every Thursday, twice per month) (On going)
  4. Table Manner
  5. AKPAR Competition
Entrepreneur Division
- Name : Fitria Amaliatur Risalah
- Place, date of birth : Jember, February 4th 1997
- Semester : 3rd Semester (2016)

Job Program
  1. Bazar I (Done, on August 27th 2016)
  2. Bazar II
  3. Weekly Selling (On Going)
  4. Cake Exhibition
Religion Division
- Name : Dini Distika Rani
- Place, date of birth : Jember, July 5th 1997
- Semester : 3rd Semester

- Job Program
  1. Reciting Qur'an (Every Monday) (On Going)
  2. Charity (Done, on November 25th 2016)
  3. Ied Adha Sacrificial  (2017)
  4. AKPAR Competition
Art and Culture Division
- Coordinator
- Name : Rizky Andara Gama
- Place, date of birth : Jakarta, September 2nd 1995
- Semester : 3rd Semester

- Job Program

  1. Wall Magazine (Once per 2 months) (On going)
  2. Social Media Magazine (On Going)
  3. AKPAR Competition
So that's all the information about The Structure of ECS Tourism Academy Muhammadiyah Jember. Keep on reading our blog, and if your have any question of it, feel free to contact us on e-mail akparmuh.jbr@gmail.com

See you on the next post!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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